How to overcome laziness

how to overcome laziness

In this era, laziness is becoming a common problem because many people have problems like lack of confidence, fear of failure, procrastination, etc. It is common to be lazy at some point in life, but if you feel lazy every day and every moment, then it becomes a matter of concern. Being lazy prevents us from moving forward in life, so how can we deal with it? Let’s find out how we can overcome laziness and become creative and productive.

Reasons for feeling lazy

No motivation

Yes, lack of motivation can be the cause of laziness. There can be many reasons for feeling unmotivated, such as lack of purpose, unrealistic goals, fatigue, burnout, self-doubt, etc. When we are not motivated, doing any task seems a bit difficult and less interesting; due to this, we give up and stop doing that work.

Fear of Failure

fear of failure

Fear of failure can be a common cause of your laziness; you are already imagining that you will not be able to complete it, and imagining failure before taking action on your task causes laziness. Fear of failure is a wall that prevents you from making progress.


Procrastinating is a common cause of laziness, but why do we procrastinate? There are many reasons behind it, but the most common reason is your phone.

For example, you sit down to start studying, and then suddenly you hear a notification tone from your phone. You open social media, scroll through people’s posts, and then when you don’t feel like studying, you say, “I’ll do it in the morning.” and stop the work before it even starts.

Unrealistic goals

Setting unrealistic goals is the reason people give up, because giving up is the easiest thing to do when you can’t accomplish something. Unrealistic goals prevent us from achieving something.

For example, you have set a goal to run a 10-kilometer marathon in 1 month, but how is that possible when you have only been running for 1 month?

This is the big difference between realistic and unrealistic goals. So let’s see what a realistic goal is. When setting a goal, you should focus on how much time it takes to accomplish it, make a to-do list, and break the tasks into smaller steps. When you do this, you have a proper plan to achieve your goal rather than just saying, “I will accomplish this goal by this date.”


All the distractions come from smartphones. Your phone is smart, but while using it, you become lazy instead of becoming smart. We can make ourselves more creative and productive by using the phone, but we get caught in its social media trap. Social media distracts us while working or before working. It destroys our mental health and peace and reduces our productivity.

Friends Circle

If you have lazy and useless friends who do nothing all day long but just relax and party, chances are you will become one of them. Instead, make friends who are doing well in life and encourage you to move ahead.


Seeking perfection can delay your work; if you feel that you cannot do the work perfectly, then you start avoiding it. This leads to a tendency of procrastination and self-doubt, which makes you lazy.

Stress or Anxiety

Overthinkingstress, and anxiety are becoming common nowadays; while experiencing these emotions, you are unable to focus on work and studies, and as a result, you start avoiding them, which stops your progress and makes you lazy.

Change your mindset: from laziness to productivity

We are humans, and sometimes we feel lazy, which is not a big deal, so don’t be hard on yourself.

So let’s know how we can change our mindset from lazy to productive.

Positive Self-talk

Don’t call yourself lazy; instead, motivate yourself and say, “I am capable; I can do this.”  You can try this in front of the mirror for better results. By talking positively to yourself, you can change your mindset from lazy to productive, which motivates you.

Visualize success

Imagining that you have become successful will automatically motivate you to do things. We all know that being successful is the best feeling. By imagining success, we move ourselves towards success.

Celebrate small wins

Celebrating those small wins keeps you motivated and positive towards your end goal, which helps you stay on your road. 

Practical Strategies to Beat Laziness

Set Clear and Achievable Goals

By setting realistic and achievable goals, you get a clear road map of how you can achieve them, making it easier to stay consistent without feeling lazy. So before you start, make a proper plan about the goal and set a date to achieve it.

Break Tasks into Smaller Steps

When we have to complete tasks, it becomes difficult to manage them, so the best way is to break them into small steps.

Breaking tasks down into smaller steps makes it easier to complete, the task becomes manageable, and you won’t feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

Use Pomodoro technique

Trust me, this trick will work. The trick is called the Pomodoro technique; I am sure you have heard it before. This technique is beneficial and makes it easier to complete a task.

For example, you could work for 45 minutes, take a 15-minute break, then work for another 45 minutes, take another 15-minute break, and repeat this process. By using this Pomodoro technique, you will not feel overwhelmed and will get the work done.

Create a to-do list

One of the best ideas to not feel lazy in terms of work is to make a to-do list. Take a sheet of paper, make rows and columns on it, and write the task you want to complete in a day. You can also schedule your hobbies and mealtimes on that list. Making a to-do list will make things clear in your mind, and you will not feel confused about tasks to complete in a day.

Eliminate Distractions

Mute your phone notifications while working; set a time limit on social apps like WhatsApp and Instagram and don’t use them before starting your to-do list tasks.

We all know that mobile phones are a major reason for laziness and procrastination.

So setting a time limit on social apps and limiting phone use can bring many creative ideas to your mind and also keep your mental health healthy.

Use productive apps

Use technology for your progress. You can download apps that can help you be productive, such as to-do lists and habit tracking; these will help you stay on track.

Reward yourself for completing tasks

Celebrate after completing your tasks, like watching your favorite movie or web series and eating something you like. Rewarding yourself after a hard day of work will make you feel happy and motivated to complete your task the next day.

Take breaks

Working continuously can be overwhelming. You can set a break day in the week; taking a 1-day break will not stop your progress; rather, it will feel refreshing and make you start again for the next day.

Healthy habits can help you overcome laziness.

Regular exercise

Regular exercise can have many benefits, such as boosting energy and mood, reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, and boosting confidence and motivation. As a result, you will not feel lazy at all. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes regularly; it is beneficial for both physical and mental health.

Take good sleep

Getting a good sleep is very important for day-to-day activities. If you don’t get enough sleep, then you feel like a zombie and less energetic throughout the day. Then how will you be able to complete the tasks on your to-do list? Experts say that a person should sleep at least 7 to 8 hours, and this is enough.

ways to improve sleep quality.

  • exercise daily.
  • Do not use your phone 1 hour before bed.
  • Read your favorite book before sleeping.
  • Do meditation regularly.
  • Avoid caffeine before bed.
  • Don’t eat too much at dinner.

Follow a healthy diet routine

If you are eating junk food, then both your physical and mental health are going to suffer. You are what you eat, which means if you eat healthy food, you get healthy; eating garbage isn’t going to get you anywhere. It is important to follow a healthy diet routine to stay active and energetic all day to get things done.


Regular meditation improves your focus and helps you stay in the present moment. Meditating for at least 10 minutes a day can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression and improve your mood. Meditation not only helps you focus on tasks but also makes you a better person.


It is normal for us humans to be lazy sometimes, but if laziness becomes an obstacle to your growth, then it is dangerous. We can overcome this obstacle by establishing healthy habits and a growth mindset. Everyone can overcome this laziness if they value their time and follow the right methods.

So don’t be lazy when it comes to improving your life; promise yourself that you can become a better person one day. “Start your first day towards your life goals.”

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