how to wake up in the morning

How to wake up in the morning

Are you struggling to wake up on time in the morning? Despite your best efforts, you end up falling asleep. Then you are in the right place. In this post, you will discover habits and methods that will help you wake up on time and feel more energetic and productive.

Why waking up early is important

Morning time is the best time for your mental health because when you wake up early at 5 or 6 am, your mind is focused and creativity is high. That is why people who are productive and rich wake up early to make the best of the day.

Another example: Most students study early in the morning because their concentration is at a high level at that time. That’s why studying in the morning helps us remember more quickly compared to any other time of the day.

Waking up early is a positive start to your day that gives you clarity and prepares you for the day.


If you want to wake up early and healthy, then good sleep is very important. Many studies show that 7 to 8 hours of sleep is crucial for a human being to stay healthy. Sleeping less than 7 hours is considered dangerous. If you sleep less for a day or two and get enough sleep the next day, you will be fine. But if you don’t get enough sleep every day, problems will arise.

Here's what happens if you lack sleep regularly.

  • Increased risk of heart disease
  • Memory loss
  • Reduce concentration and Productivity
  • Creativity and even decision-making ability decrease.
  • causes stress, anxiety, and depression
  • The body will weaken.

The list is endless; there are more health issues, but instead of going into the problems, let’s move on to the solutions. 

Let’s see how we can improve sleep for a healthy and productive morning.

1. limit smoking and alcohol consumption

Both smoking and alcohol can disrupt your sleep. For quality sleep, avoid drinking alcohol at least 4 hours before bedtime and limit smoking, as nicotine can disrupt your sleep.

2. avoid caffeine

Avoid drinking caffeine before bedtime as your brain releases adenosine (a chemical that signals the brain to sleep). Caffeine blocks the adenosine signal in the brain, which results in the person staying awake.

3. Don’t eat too much

Do not eat too much before sleeping; stop eating when you feel that your stomach is almost full. Fill your stomach 80% and keep 20% empty, because eating too much might make it harder to sleep.

4. Fix your mental health

Many people suffer from mental health issues such as overthinking, stress, anxiety, and depression. Due to these problems, they are unable to sleep at night. If you are also struggling with these mental problems, then adopt the habits given below.

  • Limit your use of social media.
  • Meditate regularly.
  • Eat wholesome foods that are rich in vitamins and proteins.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Be grateful for what you have.
  • Spend time with friends and family.

5. Avoid using any device before bed

Stay away from all screens an hour before going to bed, as the blue light emitted from your laptop or phone can disrupt your sleep.

6. Read a book

Instead of using your phone, read a self-help book or a book that inspires and enlightens you before going to bed. Reading books relaxes your mind, which is essential for getting quality sleep.

7. Make your bed comfortable

Make your bed comfortable so that you can fall asleep quickly without any discomfort.

8. Use a sleep-inducing light

Warm, dim, and red or amber lights promote sleep. These lights are effective in making you sleepy as well as improving your sleep cycle. So, if you take a long time to fall asleep, try these light bulbs once.

9. Use your subconscious mind

I know this will sound spiritual, but trust me, you can use your subconscious mind to wake up in the morning.

Before you go to bed, sit down on your bed, close your eyes, and tell yourself, “I will wake up at [specific time] with a positive mind and an energetic body,” After that, imagine yourself waking up at that time.

How to wake up in the morning

how to wake up in the morning

So we have learned how to get quality sleep; now we come to the main topic, which is how to wake up early in the morning.

1. Sleep early

The first rule is that you must go to bed early if you wish to wake up early. Let’s say you want to get up at 5 am; however, to obtain a decent 8 hours of sleep and wake up at your scheduled time in the morning, you must go to bed at 10 pm.

2. Wake up at the same time every day.

If you wake up at the same time every morning, after a few days your eyes will automatically open at the same time. This happens because your body gets used to waking up, and it becomes a habit. Once the habit is formed, you will no longer need an alarm or any other device to get up on time every morning.

3. Best Alarm Methods for Instant Wake-Up

Best Alarm Methods for Instant Wake-Up

I know it is annoying to wake up when the alarm rings; some people wake up but turn off or ignore the alarm and go back to bed. To avoid this problem, use the techniques listed below.

  • keep your phone and alarm clock away from your bed. Keep it far enough away that you’ll need to get out of bed to switch off the alarm. This method will make you get out of bed.
  • Use more than one alarm so that you have to make an effort to turn it off when it rings. This method is common but effective.
  • Set an alarm such that it starts ringing every 5 to 10 minutes unless you turn it off. This way you will be forced to wake up.
  • Set an alarm and place your phone or smartwatch under your pillow. Then when the alarm rings in the morning, vibrations will also be generated, which will help you wake up.
  • Use mobile apps that require you to solve puzzles to turn off the alarm. What will happen is that when you get up to turn off the alarm, your mind will start solving the puzzle, and you will lose sleep.

4. Wash your face with cold water

If you are still feeling sleepy after getting up from bed, then immediately wash your face with cold water so that you can wake up completely. By doing this, whatever little sleepiness you were feeling will completely go away.

5. Caffeine

As I told you earlier, caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors that promote sleep; as a result, the little sleep you are feeling after waking up will be taken away by caffeine consumption.

Don’t take caffeine immediately after waking up; wait at least 30 to 50 minutes. Caffeine increases adrenaline production and boosts motivation and dopamine, which wakes you up instantly with a full charge of energy.

6. turn on the lights

After the alarm rings, turn on the lights in your room so that whatever little sleep is left also goes away. After doing this, you will not be able to sleep again.

7. Get natural sunlight

After waking up, open the windows to let the natural morning light enter your room; this signals your brain that the sun has risen and it is time to wake up. Step out through the door or balcony and get some morning light; as the light falls on your face, you will feel fresh and energetic.

Morning Routines for Maximum Productivity and Energy

wake up in the morning

Don’t start using the phone or any other devices right after you wake up; instead, do productive tasks that will prepare you for the day.

Drink water

When we wake up in the morning after sleeping overnight, our body is dehydrated. That is why you should drink one or two glasses of water as soon as you wake up in the morning, preferably warm water. This will keep your body hydrated, your skin and hair will remain healthy, and you will get energy.

Take a cold shower

I know taking a cold shower in the morning seems tough, but it has lots of benefits, such as…

  • Improved Circulation
  • Improves skin and hair health
  • Boosts Mental Clarity and reduces stress
  • Develops mental toughness
  • Boosts energy
  • Promote better sleep
  • Improved sleep quality

These are the reasons you should take a cold shower when you get up. I believe that refreshing yourself with a cold shower early in the morning is the best way to start your day with a clear mind and positive attitude.


We are all aware of how helpful meditation is, but we still do not practice it. Meditation is the most effective and spiritual way to start your day better, happier, and stress-free, and there is no better time to meditate than in the morning, as there is no noise to distract you.

Read a book

Read your favorite book after freshening up. Reading in the morning improves your ability to concentrate and increases your productivity. After meditating in the morning, I read a book known as the Bhagavad Gita. This book is fantastic and teaches some valuable lessons that are important in life. So reading a book in the morning can do wonders and keep you positive all day long.

Do yoga or exercise

Workout or do yoga in the morning to become strong, energetic, and healthy. Go for a morning run, gym, or workout at home. All physical activities improve both your emotional and physical health. Don’t compromise when it comes to your health; starting your day with physical activity can take your health and mood to the next level, and you won’t feel lazy all day long.

Skincare and grooming

Follow a skincare routine every morning to enhance the quality and look of your skin, as well as your confidence. Groom yourself well before going out; you will look fresh, clean, and attractive.

Make breakfast

Making breakfast in the morning can enhance your productivity and mood, which is crucial for a long day at work. Make light, healthy meals that contain the vitamins and proteins you need to give your day an energetic start.


Waking up early can help us become more productive and creative. Following the healthy nighttime routine, alarm strategies, and morning practices mentioned in this article can help you start your day with energy, happiness, and freshness.

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